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Library Whodunnit

On 10 September the Library organised a Whodunnit-style induction for new students. The story centred on the discovery of an unconscious librarian in the Library. Students had to follow clues around the Library to try and work out what had happened to Tracey (the unconscious librarian). As with all good whodunnits there were several suspects with possible motives, as well as a few red herrings.

The attendees had to write up their theories and these were entered into a draw for a prize.

After solving the case, the students were able to enjoy a drink and chat with Library staff and senior members of the Inn.

Everyone had a good time and Master Rebecca Bailey-Harris commented that “the students loved it”.

Postscript – in case anyone is concerned, Tracey recovered consciousness and was relieved to find out that she had not in fact been poisoned by colleagues: rather a mix-up with her electrolyte tablets explained her accident.

A dummy lies on the ground behind some hazard tape, with a kick step lying on its side and a container of tablets next itVarious students looking at clues in the Library







A member of the library staff go through the evidence in front of a flip chart with others looking onStudent members sat in arm chair in a large circle finding out who did it during the reception