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Summer Opening Hours

Summer opening hours begin on Monday 22 July.

During August and the first half of September the Library will open at 9.00 a.m. and close at 5.30 p.m. Late opening will resume on Monday 16 September.

This calendar gives the opening hours of all four Inn Libraries over the summer vacation.

Library Newsletter Issue 56 – June 2019

The June issue includes an update on the newly-opened temporary Library; an introduction to JustisOne, the new legal research platform from Justis; a personal reflection on libraries in the digital age; and features on new acquisition and the Human Rights section of AccessToLaw.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 56 – June 2019 (PDF)

Temporary Library Opening Date

The Inner Temple temporary library, which will be housed on the fifth floor at 10 Fetter Lane for the duration of the Inn’s Project Pegasus building scheme, will open to users on Tuesday 28 May 2019 at 9am.

Our opening hours will be Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm for the time being.

Project Pegasus and the Library

The Inner Temple Library will CLOSE at 2pm on Thursday 18 April to allow time for the building to be cleared by mid-May with work on Project Pegasus starting soon afterwards. It is expected that the building project will take approximately twenty-two months to complete.

Alternative premises to house a temporary Library for the duration of the project have been taken at 10 Fetter Lane (5th floor).

The temporary library will continue to provide a full range of services to users. These include provision of textbooks (current and old editions), journals, law reports and the Commonwealth collection; access to subscription databases, including Lexis Library and Westlaw; an enquiry service; a document supply service; legal research training and web services. Opening hours will remain the same. Library staff will retrieve books from the Littleton Basement in response to users’ requests as they do now.

More information on the opening date of the temporary library will be posted on our website as it becomes available.

Easter Opening Hours

The Library will close at 2pm on Thursday 18 April 2019. This calendar gives the opening hours of all four Inn Libraries over the Easter vacation.

New Books List January – March 2019

A list of New Titles and New Editions received by the Library between January and March 2019 has just been published.

History Society Lecture

On Monday 25 March at the Inner Temple Professor Michelle O’Callaghan, Director of the Early Modern Research Centre and author, will talk about Law Sports: Revelling at the Elizabethan and Jacobean Inns of Court.

The grand Christmas revels performed at the Inns of Court were spectacular events. They have proved to be a very rich resource for cultural historians seeking to understand how a civic identity took shape at the Inns in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This lecture will explore the range of individuals and professions that took part in these revels in order to re-assess our understanding of the early modern Inns of Court as a community.
The lecture will start at 6pm in the Parliament Chamber and will be followed by a drinks reception.

Tickets: Members and public: £10.25 (IT Students free).

Book at or call the Treasury Office on 020 7797 8250.

Consultation on Pupils’ Training Needs

We would like to ask pupils about their research training needs.

In the past we have run sessions for pupils that cover the basics of legal research as well as some more advanced topics. This ground is now also covered in the Qualifying Sessions we offer to BPTC students in the autumn and spring.

In order to avoid simply duplicating training sessions for different audiences, we would like to hear from pupils about the research topics they would like to see covered in any training aimed at them.

Comments may be sent to

We cannot promise to cover everything, but we want to make sure that what we do offer is helpful to pupils.

Library Annual Review 2018

The Library’s Annual Review of activities for 2018 is now available.

Library Newsletter Issue 55 – February 2019

The February issue includes an update on Project Pegasus, and in particular on the relocation of the Library during the implementation period; a review of our activities during 2018; an invitation to pupils to take part in a consultation about their legal research training needs; and features on the Company Law and Insolvency sections of AccessToLaw, and on new acquisitions.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 55 – February 2019 (PDF)