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New Databases

The Library now subscribes to the Bahamas Law Reports and the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Reports via Lexis, and to the Cayman Islands Law Reports via Justis. These are all jurisdictions for which the Inner Temple is responsible under the Inn Libraries specialisation scheme.

All of our subscription databases are available for use within the Library only.

Library Resources for the Bar

A new edition of Library Resources for the Bar has just been published, and is available in the Library and for downloading from the website. This guide outlines the collections, services and facilities that are available in the four Inn Libraries. It also features details of the Inn Libraries specialisation scheme.

Legal Research Training for Clerks

Last month our Deputy Librarian gave a presentation on locating authorities to clerks at Blackstone Chambers. The session included some background on the English legal system and offered tips on how to find law reports more quickly and easily. Feedback from participants indicated that “the presentation was well constructed and clear; all information was relevant and useful; the presentation provided a good refresher for those who have not dealt with authorities for a long time and several people found learning about the hierarchy of online sources very useful, as they did not know about that before.”

The library is happy to organise training in chambers. Please contact if you think your clerks would benefit from our assistance.

Current Awareness Tenth Anniversary

We launched the Current Awareness Blog in April 2007 as a way of providing a free and simple way for people to keep up to date with legal news.

Library staff monitor a range of news sources and select news items, case updates and legislation to post each day. Key-words are then added to each post, to enable readers instantly to collate items on the same topic.

Since its inception, the Current Awareness Blog has evolved to cover other materials such as long-form comment and analysis produced by Chambers, as well as information on forthcoming law lectures.

The blog has been received very positively and valuable user feedback has not only helped shape the service but also helped justify the time and effort invested. Its audience has grown from members of the Inns to the wider legal community (including academics, law firms and libraries located both in the UK and overseas).

We would like to thank everyone who has supported this project over the years and, of course, all of our readers, subscribers and Twitter followers.

Library Newsletter Issue 48 – April 2017

The April issue of the Library Newsletter includes news of the revised booklet Library Resources for the Bar, the relaunch of the AccessToLaw website, newly available online sources of Commonwealth Caribbean case law, a retrospective marking ten years of the Current Awareness blog, an update on legal research training opportunities, and features on the History of the EU timeline (launched on “Brexit Day”), new acquisitions, and the Education section of AccessToLaw.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 48 – April 2017 (PDF)

Easter Opening Hours

The Library will close for Easter at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 13 April and reopen at 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 18 April 2017. This calendar gives the opening hours of all four Inn Libraries over the Easter vacation.

New Books List, January-March 2017

A list of New Titles and New Editions received by the Library between January and March 2017 has just been published.

History of the EU

To mark Brexit Day we have put together a timeline to show a history of the EU from 1945 to the present day.

Legal Research Training Session for Pupils

On Tuesday 4 April 2017 the Library is running a training session on the essentials of legal research for new pupils.

The session takes place from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. in Mitre Court Room B at the Inner Temple.

Those wishing to attend can register for a place by emailing

AccessToLaw Relaunch

The new version of AccessToLaw, our legal gateway site, is now live.  The upgraded site runs on WordPress, the same technology that underpins the Library website and the Current Awareness blog.  It is more user-friendly and works on all devices – from PCs to tablets to smartphones.  AccessToLaw contains annotated links to more than 1,300 free legal sites from the UK, the Commonwealth and around the world.