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Library Newsletter Issue 66 – October 2021

The October issue includes a round-up of our recent activities for the benefit of students; an appreciation of the Commonwealth law collection by a Library user; announcements regarding upcoming training opportunities for students, pupils and clerks; news of developments on the major online legal information services; reviews of recent criminal law-themed TV dramas; and features on new acquisitions and on the phased return of the non-law collections as Project Pegasus nears completion.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 66 – October 2021 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 65 – July 2021

The July issue includes announcements regarding summer opening and changes to services in the light of the latest guidance on COVID-19; news of upcoming student induction sessions and legal research training; an update on Project Pegasus; reports from the recent BIALL Conference; an opportunity to ‘Meet the Team’; a retrospective by our Deputy Librarian on her fifteen years in post; and a feature on new acquisitions.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 65 – July 2021 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 64 – April 2021

The April issue includes details of the Library’s recently extended opening hours (and Saturday opening across all four Inn Libraries); reports on recent staff activities for the benefit of new students; and features on new acquisitions and on the Case Law section of In conclusion members of staff tell us what activities they are looking forward to as (we hope) the lockdown continues to ease.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 64 – April 2021 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 63 – February 2021

This issue includes an announcement regarding the launch of Lawtel on Westlaw UK; our Annual Review for 2020; reflections on providing a remote service during the pandemic, and specifically on the complementarity of online and print resources; and features on new acquisitions and on staff activities during lockdown.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 63 – February 2021 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 62 – November 2020

In the November issue our new Librarian introduces himself and the outgoing Librarian offers a valedictory retrospective. The issue also contains reports on recent induction/training events for the benefit of new students and pupils, and on Library activities during lockdown, and features on law-related TV broadcasts (fiction and non-fiction) and on new acquisitions.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 62 – November 2020 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 61 – July 2020

The July issue includes summer opening hours for the four Inn Libraries; an update on Library services during the COVID-19 situation (including the latest offer: free access to ICLR Online); an appreciation of our departing Librarian and a vote of thanks to her former deputy; online initiatives (for example, a virtual induction for new students, virtual tours for prospective members, new subject guides to web resources); reflections by staff on Working from Home; and a feature on the Hong Kong section of AccessToLaw.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 61 – July 2020 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 60 – May 2020

The May issue includes a résumé of Library services available during the Coronavirus outbreak (enquiries, document supply, access to databases, free resources, daily research tips and other initiatives); a report on our response so far to remote enquiries (and a selection of the feedback we have received); advance notice of an online Qualifying Session on legal research; new subject guides on electronic resources; and a feature on the Food and Drugs section of AccessToLaw.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 60 – May 2020 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 59 – February 2020

The February issue includes a review of our activities during 2019; news of forthcoming events for pupils and on the latest addition to our range of online subscription-based resources, Lexis®PSL, to which there will be (limited) remote access; an introduction to our new member staff; and features on the Environmental Law section of AccessToLaw, and on new acquisitions.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 59 – February 2020 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 58 – November 2019

The November issue includes information on Saturday opening for the remainder of the year; FAQs (and answers) relating to the temporary Library at 10 Fetter Lane; reports on our recent activities for the benefit of new students and pupils; impressions from users and staff on the temporary Library; and features on new acquisitions and on the Government section of AccessToLaw.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 52 – November 2019 (PDF)

Library Newsletter Issue 57 – July 2019

The July issue includes details of summer opening hours and forthcoming activities for new students; updates on BAILII and on databases available in the Library; and features on new acquisitions and on the Parliaments section of AccessToLaw.

Inner Temple Library Newsletter Issue 57 – July 2019 (PDF)