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Library Study Room

Study Room Booking Form

If you are planning on using the Library but need a space for:

- ‘social’ (as opposed to quiet) study for up to three people
- online courses or meetings
- confidential phone calls
please fill out the form below and a member of Library staff will be in touch.

Note: Library staff may need to access this space to retrieve items from the stacks. This will be kept to a minimum.

This booking form is only valid for Library users. Everyone using the room must be a member of one of the Inns of Court.

The room is in the basement of the building. You will need to be able to use the stairs in the event of an evacuation.
Would you need help to get out of the building in an emergency situation?
If you have ticked yes we will look for an alternative space in the Treasury Building.
Information about your booking
Note: Bookings can be made no more than 5 working days in advance.
Note: A maximum of two consecutive hours can be booked. We will try to accommodate all bookings where possible. Please vacate the room 10 minutes before your end time to allow the next person to start on time.
Note: we have limited space and may not be able to accommodate your booking.

A member of staff will be in touch within 24 hours (during the working week) to confirm the booking or arrange an alternative time.

We collect the personal data you provide* when booking a room. We retain this until the day after your booking. Our legal basis for processing your personal data is our contract with you (the person booking a room). We do not share your information with third parties.

*name, Inn, email and phone number